Sunday, May 3, 2020

8 Facemasks, 4 orders!!

3 masks for my mom, 3 for my cousin that is a nurse, 1 for my stepmom, and 1 for my brother’s girlfriend!!

Sewing lining to mask after adding nose wire sleeve!

 Using my serger to reinforce seams...

 Check our that awesome leaf 🍃 matchup across the seam though!!

Starting sewing the straps

Just need to topstitch the straps, then those parts are done...

When you’re crafty and your teabag doesn’t have a proper string, you make do & mend!!

Bending nose wires into submission!

The finished 8, FINALLY!

Please feel free to comment, if you wish!

Life is Chaos...I need to accept that...

Okay so it has now been approximately a year and a half since my last post and SO MUCH has happened...  Let's start with one of the bigg...