Let's start with one of the biggest ones, I got divorced.
I also found the love of my life and we now have a gorgeous baby boy (he's a month old as of this posting)!
We've moved several times, my ex moved to NC, and I've got my eldest 3 kids for the whole school year.
I like it there and although I liked the first store I worked at, I still ended up needing to transfer to a different store due to the commute.
Right now I'm still on Maternity leave, but in about 2 months I'll be returning to the aforementioned join, unless I can find remote work that will let me remain home with my adorable baby.
I've been working on a few craft projects on-and-off, but haven't completed anything, due to life and stuff.
Here's a baby quilt for co-worker at old job. I'm using big-stitch hand quilting.